Tuesday 29 September 2009

JJ - Proposal of Audience Research

We are going to use a focus group for our audience research but use three different group of about 4-5 people. The first group will be ages of 15-20 to show diferent responses. This allows us to have a better scope of shots and how different demographics interpret the music. I prefere this method as I think that visual methods will be more effective for us and we can see the interpretations better visualy. We will show the song to the group first, then ask them to do a mood board of thier interpretation of our song. We then will ask them take the mood boards in. We will then give them a piece of paper to jot ideas down such as colours they think of when hearing this song. Ideal costumes locations and so on. We will then discuss in a group and extract ideas we like.
Disadvantages of this would be that in a group people may feel the pressure of other peers to sort this we have given a tsak for them to do a indivuidualy.
When asking questions we will use a dictaphone to record answers for future reference.

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