From the cover of the album you can immediately see a unique band. The form and structure of the cover is unusual as it uses a medi-evil theme. This kind of cover doesn't necessarily display the bands picture/photograph, however it shows that the indie/folk genre has a different way of showing that specific music, and how without showing the band or artist itself on the front, a genre is conveyed.
The drawings that are displayed on the front of the album is very intricate and detailed. This draws the consumers/audiences eye towards the cover, but however not in one particular place. Because of the design of the cover, the genre and the type of band can then be identified, showing strong individuality The pictures are all relating to each other and show life in a medi-evil village, this could imply that the band is 'old school' and original. The pictures are more brutal and dark than other indie albums, but this is what i think makes them different from the rest. The characters that are on the cover are also very similar looking, which i think adds to the certain connotations of familiarity within their music and the genre.
The name of the album which is self names and is written in a medi-evil form and font. This is also shown on the back of the digipak/album as the drawings carry on further around the side.The back cover has the list of the songs on the album which also follows on with the medi-evil theme, with large font, spaced apart and keeping in the linguistic form of the front cover.The visuals and the linguistic signs show an iconic drawing or piece of art work, and the words have connotations of the indie genre as it stands out and is individual.
The reinforcement of the indie genre is displayed throughout the digipak, including the inside print of the album and the CD design, which also follows the genre and the representation of the band itself. because the audience doesn't have an initial picture of the band and its members there is an air of secrecy about the band making them illusive. This gives another incentive to find out what they are like and interpret them in them audiences own way.The album creates meaning through semiotics and signs which create meaning and use colours and imagery with unusual pictures.
The drawings that are displayed on the front of the album is very intricate and detailed. This draws the consumers/audiences eye towards the cover, but however not in one particular place. Because of the design of the cover, the genre and the type of band can then be identified, showing strong individuality The pictures are all relating to each other and show life in a medi-evil village, this could imply that the band is 'old school' and original. The pictures are more brutal and dark than other indie albums, but this is what i think makes them different from the rest. The characters that are on the cover are also very similar looking, which i think adds to the certain connotations of familiarity within their music and the genre.
The name of the album which is self names and is written in a medi-evil form and font. This is also shown on the back of the digipak/album as the drawings carry on further around the side.The back cover has the list of the songs on the album which also follows on with the medi-evil theme, with large font, spaced apart and keeping in the linguistic form of the front cover.The visuals and the linguistic signs show an iconic drawing or piece of art work, and the words have connotations of the indie genre as it stands out and is individual.
The reinforcement of the indie genre is displayed throughout the digipak, including the inside print of the album and the CD design, which also follows the genre and the representation of the band itself. because the audience doesn't have an initial picture of the band and its members there is an air of secrecy about the band making them illusive. This gives another incentive to find out what they are like and interpret them in them audiences own way.The album creates meaning through semiotics and signs which create meaning and use colours and imagery with unusual pictures.
Deconstuction of Advert:
This advert is for Bloc Party's album Silent Album. It uses very simple forms and conventions to show the audience exactly what is needed to know what message is trying to be put across. This is a simple advert as it uses the album cover for the advert, which includes very simple colours, and block capitals making the name of the band bold and eye catching. The name of the album is also in block capital letters, which also makes the name clear to see, and shows what is being advertised.
The band Bloc Party are in the indie genre, and both the picture and layout shows this in a kind of underlying way. This is because it is known from the name that appears at the top of the advert that draws the audience in, and automatically we know what the genre, forms and conventions are about, and what message is being portrayed. This form of advertising is very similar ones that the band have done before, this is showing the consistency in the bands advertising, meaning that people who have seen previous advertisements by the band will recognise this one instantly, giving a fast selling position as if it is easily recognisable then people become familiar with the image the band represent.
Some good points Hatty. This needs a bit of attention. you use semiotics wrongly and linguistic is used in place of typography I think. Also you need to go back to the prompt questions as you are missing out detail like colour and layout for example. It is difficult for me to make other comment at this stage as you haven't posted the cd cover. Please could you do this and then I will speak to you about how this can be improved. You are missing deconstruction of advert too