Wednesday 9 September 2009

HG - Audience questions 1 and 2

1. In what way can music videos be considered post modern?

Music is used to construct identity and so the consumption of music videos in the 21st century is vital especially to a younger audience. Music videos are sometimes considered to be postmodern as they are unconventional and are used to set trends within the music industry by using intertextuality, bricolage and different ideas from various other places, and referencing from other artists or other videos in a similar genre. Postmodern videos also give the idea that us as people are defined by what we consume and the music we listen to.

2. How do audiences consume music videos?

Many people use musicians and thier videos to consume ideas and style. this can come in the form of dress and even certain personialty traits, and so people are defined by what they consume. For example the indie genre has a certain dress type and style of person in a way that is influced through the form of music, and what their fans see in their videos and sets, so following what trends are set by certain artists. Music videos are also there for the audience to consume and create new ideas and different views.

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