The next morning he wakes up in bed, has to run to the toilet as he has a hangover and feels like he will be sick, the bathroom door will slam in the shot of the camera, showing his urgency because of how awful he feels due to the consumption of alcohol. He returns looking ill, and picks up his clothes to wear, dirty and unshaven, he puts shabby clothes on (compared to clothes he wore when he was successful)and sips from a beer can, with a shot to the time to being early afternoon, showing he does nothing but get up later drink and try and play music. He grabs his guitar and walks out of his house, looking worse for wear about to play a gig.
The next Verse shows him playing at a gig and there is a comparison in his appearance and the size of the crowd compared to the crowd in the first establishing shots. So the crowd gradually gets smaller, people are losing interest and leaving. It is evident that he has a drink problem as while he is performing he is drinking and smoking, showing hes not as professional as he used to be , and lost his edge in a way.

In the next shots he is seen to be busking on the streets. We want to possibly use Brighton or Tunbridge Wells for these shots, sowing hes gone from being able to become really successful to nearly nothing, just a case and a guitar on the street playing to the public, and people paying him coins, and the odd person throwing rubbish in the case, laughing at him maybe. We really want to get the point across that he has hit rock bottom and lost his success and creditability. He will be looking dirty and still have a bottle of some kind of alcohol by him, putting people off and giving him strange looks.

As one of the lines is 'said the you missed her' , we are bringing in the idea of a girl who sees Jamie and takes pity because she is a fan, we see her singing along to his lyrics and showing that he is recognised. We are going to make it evident that she wants to help him and sort him out so that the public can appreciate his music again , and so he can be become the person he used to be and getting his music back out into the music industry and playing gigs.
So in our shots we will show her helping Jamie T and getting him back on his feet, so to speak. and the last shots we see are of him back on stage like he was at the beginning when he was in his successful days. We see him dressed nicely and looking happier with no drink in his hands or looking shabby. And there might also be a shot at the end of the girl in the crowd looking happy. and showing the final shots of him 'Back In The Game'.