Tuesday, 15 September 2009

HG - Our track

1. Post a link to track.

2. What is the genre of the track? how can you tell?
Jamie T's music has been described as indie rock, and has been an inspiration to many other bands and artists. The music he makes is very unique and has a certain sound, there is a strong indie sound, but with stronger vocals than other indie bands or artists that are currently around. You can tell what genre he is in from the way he dresses which is like a typical indie/unique artist.

3. Do you think this track represents a high or lo fi video? why?
I think it represents a lo fi video. This is because it has a very acoustic sound, and is raw and all about the vocals with the sound of the guitar and how they work with the sound that he produces changing the tempo with the song, with a guitar solo in there aswell. So i feel that with our limited equipment we would be able to produce a video that fits in with the sound of the song, and the feeling that it produces.

4. What videos would be comparable?
Other videos from Jamie T would be comparable as it they a similar sound to ' back in the game' which is however more acustic, and the video 'sticks and stones' is a good example video that uses that lo fi effect from him. This is an example of a very simple video that shows emotions and a very simple yet interesting, effective video. Also there doesn't seem to be a huge relation with the lyrics and the video,showing that a video with a narrative that is differnt to the lyrics can really work.

5.Give an outline of a treatment.
Our idea at this stage of our planning is to have some narrative and some performance based shots in the video. The majority of the performance based parts will be shot on Brighton beach preferably on a sunny day, using the natural views and prespectives with our actor posing as Jamie T, acoustic guitar in hand and singing to parts of the song. We haven't had a main idea yet for the narative based part of the video as such, that is something we need to work on. However we are thinking we want to make the video's narrative part not specific to the lyrics and unique.

6. Identify suitable locations for filming particular sequence of the music.
For the performance part of our video , we would idealy like to use Brighton Beach. Using our actor shown sat on the beach lip syncing to the words of the song, daylight, black and white effect to give an English view to the video, as they are established with their music as being very English.

7. Consider grain of voice. What characters would you use?
We are aiming to be able to have shots using the main character to represent the lead singer, using lip syncing and maybe a guitar solo. Because we also have a narrative and performance based video we are going to have sections that have the character singing to thelyrics , and those lyrics being in relation to the narrative.

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